Feedback from our Customers

Feedback from our Customers - All

  • "All of a sudden I felt so much more comfortable in my own skin"

    Janine Frohloff spent most of her childhood happy and without any need of glasses. At the age of 11, however, a regular eye test revealed a slight short-sightedness. Her first choice: contact lenses. They were not inconvenient and, most important, not visible. Wearing glasses? No thanks!…

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  • "I feel lighter and more independent."

    "I was always one of those students who liked to sit in the back row. Until at some point in the 10th grade I had problems with my eyes, and that didn't work out so well anymore. A typical case of myopia." However, Ben Braun was very active in sports, so wearing glasses quickly became inconvenient…

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  • "Simply perfect, I have gained an incredible quality of life."

    Even as a kid, Paul Janke had to contend with a visual impairment of -6 dpt. "I was practically blind, couldn't see anything without my glasses. And my eyesight was getting worse and worse." In front of the camera, he always wore contact lenses, but this became cumbersome over time. "I took the…

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